Kubi Kalloo Joins!


Kubi Kalloo have committed to being meaningfully Net Zero by 2030 and to this end we are proud to be joining Business Declares a fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency. 

This is something that we have been striving for internally for several years (we have a sustainability policy because it was suggested by one of the team) and are looking to assess this post-Covid, where things like office facilities and travel are less integral to our business.  There is a need for an objective and trustworthy marker in this area that avoids greenwashing and provides an authentic benchmark for sustainability for corporations.  Moreover, between climate change, mass extinction, pollution, and zoonotic disease, there is no longer room for hesitation over our obligations to the planet and our global community. 

We are certainly not claiming to be perfect, neither are we judging others, instead we are part of a coalition of the willing looking to collaborate and accelerate action while continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths.


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