Creature & Co. Joins!


We’re proud to be joining Business Declares and the fast-growing network of businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

By making this declaration we are stating our aim to be net zero by 2030 by reducing emissions and impact on biodiversity. This target is more ambitious than the target we previously set in our 2021 Impact and Purpose Report.

It’s our mission is to inform, inspire and empower people to act on the world’s challenges through engaging and accurate storytelling and experiences. To date, our work has educated over 24 million children and adults – a figure we aim to double by 2025. We look forward to continuing to share our journey and ensuring our voice is part of the collective, resounding call for change within the audience we have the ability to reach via sales of National Geographic Kids Magazine UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and working with like-minded marketing clients.

We are certainly not claiming to be perfect, neither are we judging others, instead we are part of a coalition of the willing, looking to collaborate and accelerate action while continuing to highlight the challenges and uncomfortable truths.

We have an actionable plan in place to reach net zero by 2030 covering our scope 1 & 2 emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C

  • We are planning to measure the scope 3 impacts of our business, create and implement a strategy and plan for mitigating these, to achieve Scope 3 net zero as close as possible to 2030 and certainly before 2050.

  • Creature & Co. are a member of Clean Creatives and have pledged to decline any future PR or advertising contracts with fossil fuel companies, trade associations, or front groups.

  • To address the biodiversity/ecological crisis and offset emissions we’ve not been able to reduce yet, we began supporting a REDD+ project in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The project is working to prevent unplanned deforestation in native forests which occurs due to logging and attempts to implement pastures for grazing. The project employs local villagers for monitoring and enforcement activities managing the land in the form of a “private conservation reserve”.

  • For every tonne of carbon we offset by supporting the REDD+ project in Brazil we gift a tree to UK schools tree planting project. Planting trees native to the UK in schools provides wildlife habitats, supports biodiversity and enhances the natural landscape.


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