Business Declares in light of COVID 19

We are in a planetary health emergency, with profound human, social, economic and political consequences. We recognise the urgent immediate threat of COVID 19 to our economy, society and communities and support government action and public funding.

The choices our governments make now need to be about ‘building back better’ to safeguard our future in the context of the climate and ecological emergency. We support the business call for a Green Recovery plan and need for conditionality of finance in line with net zero and protecting nature.

These incredibly challenging times have highlighted the imperative for business to implement solutions to the health, climate and ecological emergencies, which result in greater economic inclusivity and public engagement. We recognise the need to achieve a just transition and social resilience to tackle increasing inequality.

As Business Declares

  • We commit to tell the truth on the planetary health, climate and ecological emergency, and to inspire urgent action and debate.

  • We celebrate and support all the companies who declare and want to inspire others on this path.

  • We use our influence to engage business leaders who want to understand what it means to declare and we challenge them to set their own targets and actions.

Edward Flach

Scientist, slacker. Sometime developer.


We support the Avaaz call


We support the Green Recovery Plan Letter to EU