Business Declares joins Stop Ecocide

Business Declares has signed Stop Ecocide International’s Business & Finance Open Letter, which urgently calls on governments to introduce an international law and crime for ecocide.

Infinite economic growth on a finite planet has led to mass destruction of nature, biodiversity and vital ecosystems, and hence the current climate and ecological crisis. An international law recognising ecocide would enable a level playing field and support for better, more purposeful business for people and planet, which in turn would pave the way towards more regenerative business models which operate within planetary boundaries and work with nature and biodiversity - upon which business depends.


“unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts.”

Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide, June 2021

Overall, an international law for ecocide would strengthen and address the gaps in current environmental legislation, to provide more rigid, lasting protection for nature and life on Earth.

A number of Business Declares members have also signed the Business Open Letter, including Riverford, Stroud Brewery, Greenhouse Comms, Leap, Toast Ale, purposeAMPLIFIED, Triodos Bank, Good Energy.

We have also signed Stop Ecocide International’s Ocean Open Letter, which can be signed here.


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